October 15, 2011

Event : Big Bad Wolf

It's 8th day for Big Bad Wolf at MAEPS, with 1.5 million books, 15000 graphic novels & comics, every bookaholics should probably went here at least once! I went here 3 times already, bought 23 books. Spent about the same price of one graphic novel in Borders. How cheap! 

23 books from Big Bad Wolf = 1 graphic book from Borders 




Currently reading 2nd book :D
Bought any books lately?

*Update : I just finished plastic-wrapping every book
that I bought at BBW :D


  1. Hey! I went to BBW too! On the second day. But I only bought 13 books, boo hoo. Wonder if you were there and I just didn't notice.

  2. Oh yeah, I went there on the 2nd day too!
    It was super fun, I didn't look around tho, I was immersed in thousands of books :D
