September 23, 2011

Why you don't need a dSLR?

Before you buy a dSLR, you should consider these :
Your opinion might be different, but I just wrote this according to my experience only. We can agree to disagree on any matter :)

1. Size & weight.
dSLR is big and bulky. It is definitely not an ideal camera to bring to your friend's wedding or a reunion. You need to bring it everywhere. You can't leave it on the desk, you can't keep on asking your friend to hold it for you while you want to take some food. 


2. You love to travel.
Travel light, pack everything up in small potions, only bring what's important. Why bringing all 3 lenses and extra batteries and external flash in a huge bag?

Last year when I went to Universal Studios with my siblings, like everybody else, we queued for a ride in one of the roller-coaster. Guess what? No bags or camera were allowed. So, where should we put our bag & camera? The bag's compartment was full. We wanted to take that ride together. The queue lasted 45 minutes. 
Solution : We left it with our aunty whom apparently had to wait outside with her baby. 

Traveling with a tour is a fast-paced activity. So, you better think of something convenient to use. *I high-lighted the word 'tour'. May not be the same as traveling solo or with your friends & family :)


3. Long learning process
Having a dSLR won't make you a better photographer instantly. If you are really interested in learning the technical process, know about the aperture, shutter speed, composition, lens and any other things professional photographer loves to brag about, then it should be okay.

Because it is a continuous learning process. Your picture might still be the same. As dull as before. Or worse, you photoshopped every piece of your picture taken by your dSLR. What's the point?


4. The Reason
If you want to snap a good photo of your product, you DON'T actually need to use a dSLR. I frequently come across peoples who are planning to buy a dSLR for their investment in taking their product's picture. You can buy a good compact camera with the same macro, filtering function that is far much easier to use and pain-stakingly as beautiful as dSLR photo. 

If you just want to share your activity. Fast and easy? 
Use a smartphone eg : iPhone 4. Post it on instagram or facebook right after you snap the picture. 


5. Money
It would be appropriate to plan ahead! dSLR is not a cheap device. With all those accessories eg: lens, filter, memory cards, external flashes, tripod, battery grip, cleaning equipment, this and that. Oh dear.


Other alternative :

Panasonic Lumix LX5/GF3
*this is a super awesome compact digital camera. You can change the lens if you insist on changing it, but with the lumix adapter. It is super easy to use. It is super small. The video quality is awesome, in HD. Hang it on your neck and it won't bother you. The macro function, oh, just fine. I'm currently using LX3, and I'm not regretting anything since I sold my dSLR d40. Oh, and you should buy GF if you want to spend more!

Olympus PEN E-P1

Sony Nex-3/Nex-5


Loving high quality point & shoot camera
Pure satisfaction.



  1. some people bought it coz of trend..i just want a camera...with long distance zoom..i'm so into photography...i'll buy dslr if i have the opportunity..but then...3k is too expensive! i still can capture a beautiful pic with my hp and edit it...hahah...just like pro...its not the gadget that matters actually...but the passion :)

  2. there will always be pros and cons when we talk about something. recommendations is good. Do write reviews, pros and cons after you had bought your own smartphone eg : iPhone5, perhaps?

  3. promoting iPhone 4! :D
    professional photographers also use compact camera!
    but they always have more than one dSLR by their side, well ur right about the professional bragging. Once u know your way in photography, u can see many difference between cameras, even the battle of canon and nikon have their own point to argue.
    unless u want to be a professional photographer and make profit with cameras, use compact camera!! when u think its outdated, change it. no need for dSLRs

  4. wow, that's something big :|
    I've planned to buy one since I was like..form 2?
    And this post made all the differences.

  5. Aha, this post was meant to share my personal experience using dSLR. Some people might not feel the same with me.


    Before spending a lot of money of something so small, you need to consider alternative things that maybe much more convenient, perhaps? :D
