May 20, 2011


Hello, this time I'm going to share my experience to those people who are planning to open your own online store :D Hope this helps.
I’ve tried 3 online stores ( StorenvyEtsy & Bigcartel ) and here is the comparisons+thoughts :
1. Storenvy is FREE FREE FREE , compared to : Etsy with $0.20 each item (every 4 months) & 3.5% interest if sold + 2.9% of total price plus $0.30 transaction fee , BigCartel limits to 5 items to sell – if free usage ( plan based on monthly fees )
2. Using Storenvy & Etsy, users can share @ ‘like’ items in the shop using Fb account. Bigcartel can’t.
3. Etsy is already ‘kind-of’ a hand-made community ( Good for hand-mades seller only ), they are supporting each other. Bigcartel focuses on independent artists, mainly the most popular online stores platform nowadays. Storenvy is pretty new.
4. Storenvy let you customize your shop for FREE, while Etsy & Bigcartel limit this freedom.
5. Storenvy doesn’t let user change their domain address, we just have to bring ‘storenvy’ name everywhere :p But I don't mind this. 

What others wrote about StorenvyREAD here.

So, if you are new, I suggest you to use Storenvy. It is really easy to use, can be connected to your fb page, and easy to share :) Did I mentioned, it is FREE ?



  1. Azreen, have you heard much about I read about it somewhere, I suppose it is kind of like Etsy minus the fees (unless you go Pro, which has a monthly fee). Haven't intended to go into these online market stuff yet, but interested to hear what you think about it. :)

  2. Yes, I know artfire :)
    But I never tried it tho. I didn't like the interface :p and it mainly focuses on artsy-stuffs ( great support ) + I don't like the sound of "Premium" & normal.

    Storenvy is free, great interface and customizable :) At this moment, I'm enjoying it. But very low traffic - due to my own survival & ads.
