April 19, 2011




So many narcissist these days.
Everyone feels important.
I'm not sure it's a good thing or not.


What is narcissism?
If you stumble on someone's blog or facebook wall
and all they talk about is themselves,
then that is one of narcissist's characteristic.




  1. Depending on what they talk about...whether it's a good thing or not, not sure. But we can observes and know what kind of person he/she is, is actually a good thing for us :)

    P/S: Bila kita sembang pula pasal org tu dgn org lain, ha, then kita pula kena judge...."kita ni suka mengata" haha...

  2. it is when someone is too concerned about their appearance or abilities or spends too much time admiring them.. right??

    well, they either possess too much of self-consciousness or lack of confidence.. :P

  3. there are the narcissists and there are the judgmentals

  4. I'm an obsessive-analyzer ! :D
