April 05, 2011


Hello ,

For the last two weeks I've been really busy with my freelance works. I hardly sleep at night to meet the due date ( which is today ). So, I'm really happy to tell that I finished my works and submitted it! I did digital coloring for children book's illustration. 32 pages in 2 weeks time with tight schedule. Love the experiences. I'm hoping to see the book in Pesta Buku Antarabangsa this month :)



Other exciting news?
Well last week was the online launching of MOLESKINE artist marketplace, where artists can sell their custom made Moleskine online. The story started last month, when I was asked by one of Moleskine team member to participate in their beta launching. I've been asked to lay low with the news until they launch the website for public view. I felt very very very very honored + overly excited to join them, of course. Moleskine, the legendary notebooks! I never thought my works will actually be viewed by them. So yeah, that was an overly exciting news for me. 
My moleskine profile can be seen here --> azreenchan


It's such a beautiful year for new exciting experiences and achievements, yes? 
Please be more :) and more. and more.



  1. moleskine artist marketplace?
    now that's what i call a good news!

  2. hai afro.. kita ni memang ada jodoh dekat blog2 yang ada kartun kan? hahahaha... di mana ada blog yang aku nak komen, di situ ada kau mengkomena

    azreen, lawa..i kinda fail in kalering

  3. Wahh! Cayalah Cik Azreen. I am so inspired by you.

  4. tahniah azreen!! plenty of more good things coming ahead! insyaallah.

  5. lawaaa... tahniah2!

    (sharkox sempat lagi ko menggatal ye!)

  6. Reen, i feel very proud of you :)

  7. Congratulations Azreen! *thumbs up*
