March 14, 2011

Wondering: Housemates.



Currently i'm searching for a room to let.
It never occurred to me to consider
to whom I want to live with.
I got an offer to share a house with a young married couple,
which I declined.
Also considering deeply when offered
to live with people from different ethnicity.
Considering I have a hard time feeling
comfortable with the possibility of male presence.

How about you?
Have you ever deal with this situation?
Where you consider those details ;
ethnic, male/female, jobs, religion/beliefs etc
of your possible housemates?



  1. jantina semestinya memainkan peranan. berlainan jantina tinggal serumah semestinya membangkitkan awkward moment.

    yang penting boleh sesuaikan diri dan selesa :)

  2. Azreen,
    Jgn sesekali tinggal dgn orang yg dah kahwin, to avoid any problem unless you know well the couple. Tak pe if different religion, bukan semua yg jenis bawa balik lelaki ke rumah, sewa 1 rumah if ada masalah utk cari housemates, pas tu pelan2 cari org yg elok2 utk sewa sekali dgn kita, this way kita boleh letak some rules such as no male friend are allowed in the house, minta pandangan keluarga sama, okay if have any problem.

    Good luck!

  3. if i were u, i would consider few things;

    toilet should be clean enough.its necessity! :)

    i dun care much on long they 'typically' clean girl and not annoyed too much, then that's fine with me.gud and kind housmte is bonus but dont expect too much on them.

    near to groceries shop, restaurant so that u can easily grab food even in the middle of nite.

    near to public transport if u dun have car yet.

    ethnic and religion is not a big deal if both respect each other religion.

    lastly, make sure that u have ur own private space in that house. sumtimes, the house is so small but consist of more than 10 peoples.mcm packet ikan

    and later, u can create ur own comfy zone so that u feel free to draw or sleep or etc etc

    well.well.gud luck dear! ^^~
