March 10, 2011



Have you noticed the word 

" Hello World " 

that I keep on using ?


Originally, 'Hello World' is the basic display for any computer program. And being an IT graduate, and a geeky person, I love using 'Hello World' in some of my doodles :) It used to be typed in every programming language I learned.

I'm not from Art/Graphic stream in high school or university. I learned IT. Those cryptic programming languages, those flowcharts and networking and many other stuffs that I never thought I would learn. It was new and fun though, but thank Allah I finally finished it, after 4 years! :) Yeay.


Fact : I was an IT student :D


  1. im a business student but i hve to study more in It subjects . uhhh ! curious seketika ! haha

    btw , i love your arts ! ngee

  2. *muntah* tgok Hello World...evry programming pun test dgn Hello World..
    but tak xpect pulak azreen it grad..huhu~ same here (=
