February 15, 2011



Inspired by :
Muloyoung, astronautboys, Alphonse Mucha.

I've been thinking, actually there is no such thing as 'originality'. Inspirations are out there waiting to bloom in our mind. Lurking around other people's ideas, hiding behind nature, silently waiting. It is not ours. Imitations are easy to be done. Copying is much easier. 

People are eager to show what each of them can do. We compete.
The idea of sharing is not there anymore. 
What's left is showing what they are capable of doing.

I lost respect to many people out there,
that used to be my inspirations.
We live in the self-centered world.
People who boast what's theirs ( like I did - once ), 
people who hide behind masks denying their hypocrisy, 
people who imitate and denying their imitations.
Why we deny at all?

I'm doing a service of drawing and illustrate based on my capability to do it. I do create ideas, imitate and innovate from my surroundings. I get inspired easily, I thanked Allah for all the rezeki given. 



  1. forgive people like you forgive yourself :> just my two cents.

    to me, my goal of sharing is the same as my goal of pushing myself to search for the limits of things i can do..so sharing is showing what i am able to do (but not showing off)..

    u are blessed with all sorts of unique talent and knowledge n inspirations n ideas. thats y ur work are amazing.

    some things should be viewed from different perspectives , and we just have to remember; sometimes we can be on either sides of the looking-glass.

    whatever it is; ur works are still awesome. n ur awesome :D

  2. every artist starts with an insipration right? only then they come up with their own strokes :)

    p/s: all artist needs an inspiration to make an art.

  3. Azreen dear,

    Kita mula berkarya dengan inspirasi yang ada di sekeliling kita, be it alam semulajadi, manusia sekeliling atau apa sahaja pun, tipulah jika pengkarya yang hebat2 yang ada di dunia ini tidak bergantung pada inspirasi di sekeliling mereka.

    Kita ada talent kita sendiri. Ada orang yang boleh tiru sebijik-sebijik rekaan orang lain. So what? Apa yg membezakan adalah our passion in making the things we make, the effort in making every details in our design/products.

    If someone tiru your design, be glad sebab somehow, they are promoting your design and someone out there is inspired by your arts. And why they copy your ideas is because somehow your ideas are inspiring and unique and probably sangat bagus utk di tiru :) So, be proud.

    Rezeki tuhan bagi. So, doalah pada Dia banyak2, jangan kita dianiaya mereka yang dengki pada kita, sudahhlah...

    Jangan putus asa!

  4. Agree with you and everybody's comment here. Dulu2 ada juga mango pikir macam takut kena tiru atau ada yang menggunakan hasil kerja mango bulat2. Tapi so far, tak ada. Adapun, setakat ni ada yang minta kebenaran untuk gunakan imej lukisan mango sebagai avatar dan juga mural di kedai mereka, mango izinkan sajalah, tanpa sebarang caj. Kalau itu boleh menarik perhatian pelanggan dan memajukan bisnes mereka, rasanya mango pun dapat ganjaran juga daripada Allah kan. Hari tu ada pergi talk Yusof gajah, ada artis tanya dia, bagaimana menangani peniruan, kadang2 gaya penyampaian dan teknik pun ditiru, Pak Yusof kata, "Baguslah, sekurang2nya kamu dapat pahala". Ayat pendek itu benar2 beri mango satu "Ting!"

    Pun begitu, Mango tetap tidak menyokong plagiarism. Seseorang artis harus mencuba menghasilkan sesuatu, bukan meniru bulat2. Dari segi style dan penyampaian, itu tidak boleh dielak, manusia memang mudah terikut-ikut dengan gaya idola mereka. Sedangkan Van Gogh sendiri mengaku dia cuba melukis sebaik pelukis-pelukis yang menjadi idolanya, tapi hasilnya, lukisan2 beliau sangat mudah dibezakan kan?

    Dan mango rasa, semakin banyak hasil karya kita, dan semakin lama kita berkecimpung dalam sesuatu bidang ~ kita akan ada lebih keyakinan dan rasa selamat. Jika kita sudah famous dan semua orang sudah recognize hasil sentuhan kita ~ kita tidak perlu risau lagi untuk berdepan dengan masalah plagiarism. Plagiarism itu tetap ada, tapi the credit of visual interpretation will always goes back to us. Hanya artis2 yang masih muda dan belum cukup pengalaman yang cenderung merasa insecure, sebab jika idea mereka ditiru, tiada siapa perasan. I'm still in this stage though, dan mango fikir cara untuk mengatasi insecurity itu adalah dengan terus berkarya tanpa henti sampai kita mendapat title untuk sesuatu trademark itu. Insyaallah, kalau diizinkan Tuhan.

  5. Interesting post. I agree, but most important is that all of that (what other people do) in the end doesn't matter. I think it's very easy to see the difference between an imitating artist and a unique artist that creates from within.

    Important is to stay focused on yourself and your beautiful talent. Being inspired by other artists is a wonderful feeling, I find :) When I look at your work for example, I feel inspired, not because I want to imitate but because I enjoy your work just by looking at it and pretty art like this gives me the drive to create 'pretty things' myself. Sharing is giving eachother the fuel to create pretty things!
