January 25, 2011



Hello ,

Today, happily I want to share with you my 
latest present for myself ( for my 24th birthday )

It's been a while since I bought any new graphic book ,
the last one was 2 years ago : 
 * the making of Monster House *

and this time, I had a chance of buying 
another dream book of mine : UP,
I was searching for Tangled : Rapunzel but unfortunately
they didn't have any stock left for me :(



Why I love the making of ?
Because I can see the process.
And yes, most importantly,
I really love early sketches :






I do not wish to be an animator.
But I would love to be visual artist 
or character designer :D



UP is one of my favorite animation :)


  1. hoihhh. kenapa talented sangat nii. comel!!!! keep up the awesomeness! awww

  2. hye

    happy 24th birthday azreen. =)

  3. i gotta say.
    Up is one of disney's masterpiece.

    the storyline, the characters, the message, everything.

  4. Nice artwork! just wanna know.. are u kidal ke? XD

  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes! :D

    I'm no kidal :D
    I'm right-handed person.

  6. azreen...mana beli buku nih...? interesting ni :D, my fav cartoon...cartoon yg sangat impressive! I think mat saleh ni buat cartoon sgt bagus, tp, real life story, tak best sebab terlalu byk sgt smooching and all!

  7. Happy belated bday wishes!
    Awesome bday present, the sketches look amazing.

  8. up sangat best! cute je budak
