January 28, 2011




It's Friday and our holiday is near :D
On this holiday, 
I'll finish up all my commission works.
So sorry for being so slow,
I'm trying to be as productive as I can.


I got interesting commission work coming up.
Hopefully I'll be ready to share it here by next week.


And what's new?
I have created a project :

I'll post one character every 24 hours.
This is to keep on producing something everyday :D
And share with you experiences behind it ( if any :p )
This project will last 30 days,
and will be extended to 60 days - ( when I achieve the 30 days challenge )



  1. chun ! u pkai software apa eh ? ka smua hand drawn ?

  2. Good luck on that Azreen!

  3. i used photoshop + illustrator ,
    and wacom tablet :)

    Thanks Kiwa & Kak Liza :D

  4. Aaaa...so selama ni doodle awak used these 3 software je ke? not hand drawn?

  5. Aa, no.
    I usually hand-drawn on paper.

    Sometimes rajin2, then I try digital illustration.
