January 05, 2011


I don't have time to doodle seriously anymore! 
Working life is so different.
My time is paid to do works.
So work! work!


Waiting patiently for weekends 

Oh yes!
I'm 24 years old since last Monday!

And I got these cool hand-made bags from Kak Liza, a blogger :D
 Click here to view her works : Enaysa


PS - Yes, I miss my doodle time



  1. Itulah dunia kerja. 9-5. Hope you like what you do, if not, you'll not be happy with work thus you'll feel unhappy and does not perform your job with maximum effort.

    Take care. Makan.

  2. Oh, Mine 9-6 ! :D
    Mostly designing job, so, it got a little to do with my interest!
    Sometimes I do eat :D

    Thanks danielmooseyo :)

  3. Shud upload you wearing the bag ;)
