December 12, 2010




I did a lot of doodle on frames this couple of weeks after my final presentation.
And I had limited internet connection at home, 
so that's why I've been so quite :D

Doodle on frame order is CLOSED now.
I don't have any wooden frame in stock at this moment.
I'm sorry.


Will update more :)


  1. sweet..~!!dear..wud like to share wif u a website dat u can use to publish ur artwork.just for sharing wif others..
    try to create ur own blog without any domain.simple n their template was really nice..[]
    tryla visit website tu.i pn bru nk explore cuz kazen ajar wat blog gune tuh..~ =)

  2. Noney - Yea, I tried wix before. But at this moment, I only use blogger & facebook page :)

    Idayu - RM25 for each 4R wooden frame. But got no stock at this moment :)

  3. wow Azreen these are verrryyyyy niceeee! :D
