May 18, 2010


I joined Lorong Seni last weekend on Hari 1Belia @ Putrajaya along with my sister the hand-made card maker (azahchan) and my doodle partner (zamzammee). It was a blast! I've met many interesting people and  a lot of new friends. This was our first booth and I got new experiences working on a small booth there. I hope to join more and more events later in the future :)

* Our first day *

That's my sister!
there were frames and monstabox by me, caps by zamzammee and hand-made cards by azahchan!


Zamzammee and me worked on live doodle on our first day there :D

Some of characters design on cardboards by zamzammee & me 

 * Our second day *

 Hey, that's Mimi, my friend!

We worked on second live doodle - bought by Mr Shazlan!

Hey, it's finished!


Thanks for all the support :)

I had fun. Hope to see you guys again soon :D

Picture credit to : zamzammee & shamimi


  1. memang ade pegi tempat awak..
    gud luck k

  2. ahhhhh bestnya. rugi tak pergi tengok

  3. wow..i wish i was there..

  4. wow, i really adore your artwork ! :D

  5. oh my.. u r so talented! bestnye... im loving it.

  6. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  7. cantek nyer~~ sgt rugi tak dpt g sbb something important came up last minutes.. but i'm very sure that i'll take u as my designer someday ^_^
