May 30, 2010


 Cloud machine on Wooden Mirror
It took about 3 days because of the size and the ideas I tried to collect in drawing this :)

Ignore the reflection on the mirror!

May 28, 2010


Zamzammee & I were interviewed by NLKO crew today for Indie@NLKO session on TV9.
It focuses on his doodle on cap :)

Watch us :)
Thanks for supporting.
Drop by to his new blog:

29 May 2010
Nasi Lemak Kopi O, TV9

I adore his artwork a lot and did some collaboration works together.
Wait for our latest collaboration works!
I'll post it later :)

May 21, 2010



Monstabox for sale!
Only 5 left after last week's event


Status : Available
  Status : SOLD

 Status : Available

Status : SOLD

Status : SOLD

First come first serve!
100% hand-drawn by azreenchan
RM20 each ( not including postage )
Email me at :

May 18, 2010


I joined Lorong Seni last weekend on Hari 1Belia @ Putrajaya along with my sister the hand-made card maker (azahchan) and my doodle partner (zamzammee). It was a blast! I've met many interesting people and  a lot of new friends. This was our first booth and I got new experiences working on a small booth there. I hope to join more and more events later in the future :)

* Our first day *

That's my sister!
there were frames and monstabox by me, caps by zamzammee and hand-made cards by azahchan!


Zamzammee and me worked on live doodle on our first day there :D

Some of characters design on cardboards by zamzammee & me 

 * Our second day *

 Hey, that's Mimi, my friend!

We worked on second live doodle - bought by Mr Shazlan!

Hey, it's finished!


Thanks for all the support :)

I had fun. Hope to see you guys again soon :D

Picture credit to : zamzammee & shamimi