July 07, 2009


Well, after 3 months working experience in SLM, the eagerness to come back to Uniten fades. It was a nice comfortable environment with a great friendly members. We were like a family (it makes sense, we were living like one :D. )

(SLM office)

(Little clays that we make through out the training)

To Mr.Zizi, Mr.Azrai, Abg Hasni, Abg Mel, Abg Lan, Adek, Abg Iwan, Abg Zalee, Mr Don, Kak Cicima, Comel, Zita, Kak Udi, and Awin, a very big thanks with a giant strawberry on the top! Not forgetting Kak Ina, Kak Sity and Kak Yun + two little twins.

(Kak Ina's littlest cupcakes)

(Legendary Si Nanji Ketam)

Well well, new semester has started. 18 creadit hours. Packed timetable. Eat twice a day. Work part-time as much as I can. Ganbatte~

My subjects :
Intro. to Computer Graphic
Artificial Intelligent
Computer Modelling & Creativity
Human Computer Interaction
IT Communication

Min and Toci, if you girls read this, I'm sorry. And yeah, I love both of you. No denying. :p

And Kak cicima, I miss you. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...~ (T.T)

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