February 28, 2022

Books - I Finished 12 books in Feb (month of novella, essays & personal memoirs)

 Books I consumed in February :

  1. The Guest List by Lucy Foley 
  2. This is the Story of Happy Marriage by Ann Patchett (Essay/Personal Memoir)
  3. On Writing by Stephen King (non-fiction)
  4. What Now ? by Ann Patchett (Essay/Personal Memoir)
  5. The Enchanter by Vladimir Nobokov (Novella)
  6. Aftermath : On Marriage and Separation by Rachel Cusk (Essay/Personal Memoir)
  7. Lord of the Flies by William Golding (Novella)
  8. I Came All This Way to Meet You by Jami Attenberg (Essay/Personal Memoir)
  9. Survival Lessons by Alice Hoffman (Essay/Personal Memoir)
  10. Truth and Beauty by Ann Patchett
  11. The Woman in the Purple Skirt by Natsuko Imamura (novella)
  12. Marriage Story by Richard Russo (Essay/Personal Memoir)
My fav book in Feb : Personal memoirs and essays by Ann Patchett.


Personal memoirs/essays are a new favorite genre of mine. This is the month I found : Ann Patchett, Rachel Cusk, Alice Hoffman, and Jami Attenberg. The books are honest, heart-breaking, loud, soft, witty, warm, and every human emotion mingled into one. I've never felt like I've been surrounded by female writer friends until I found them in their books this month. It has been a joyful ride. These books are written for someone like me, a woman, in my mid 30s, searching for the meaning of life, relationship, love and beyond all these. 


Random updates about books :
  • Feb felt really short and quick. I'm glad I decided to only pick : novella, essays and personal memoirs. My aim for this month was to at least finish 10 books, but on the last few days I manage to finish up the 'currently-reading' books in my list simultaneously and finished 12 instead.
  • I bought The Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara from @sukhabuku, I'm planning to read it in March. Am I ready to go on a whirlwind of emotional ride ? 
  • March is supposed to be a slow-reading month so I might turn-off Scribd for a month as well.
  • Ohh, my books from BookDepository arrived in a month. I got my copy of the last book by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (that I'm reading slowly before sleep at night) and also some of the Penguin Classics :