July 20, 2018

Series : Over the Garden Wall

Have I ever mentioned about my latest craze since May : Over the Garden Wall ?

I think I mentioned several times in my Patreon and Instagram.

Well yes, this is not a new mini-series - it was first broadcast in the US in 2014, and the project was pitched to Cartoon Network in 2006. So it was definitely an old mini series, but I just watched it in Netflix in May so I consider it to be new for me :D


My latest craze :
  • I loved it so much, I had to ask Af to watch it again with me several days later. There are only 10 - 11 minutes story so you can actually watch everything in one sitting. I've watched it twice in one week and I'll probably watch it again soon because I've been watching a lot of their Youtube snippets when I'm bored. 
  • I doodled the characters in my doodle book and also did a fan-art of Wirt + Greg (the female version).
  • I made a Spotify playlist of my favorite songs from the mini-series and called it "Fun oh so Fun !" so I can listen to it whenever I want to :D
  • I've already put their comics in my DepositoryBook wishlist.
  • I read all the digital comics on Scribd and I still want the physical copies !
  • I'm not sure how else can I say, I love "Over the Garden Wall". Please watch it ❤️It will only take 110 minutes of your time - way better than all exaggerated super heroes movies in theater. 
