October 31, 2010




I want to reach the sky
and I don't want to stop here 


October 30, 2010




Random doodle :
" When I'm with you "
found scrap paper on my desk 
while revising for Image Processing exam tomorrow :( 


October 28, 2010



 Title : Our Journey
Material : 300 g/m² ( watercolor paper ) - acid free
Size : 10 x 10 inches for each paper

Exhibited in HIMPUN exhibition from
16 - 30 Oct 2010 at Balai Seni Lukis Negara




It can be combined from both left side or right side


It's not a doodle, it's an illustration.
Why does it differs ?
Although I drawn it spontaneously using the artline, 
I've already planned what to draw in my sketch book. 

I've come to realized that I no longer take this job as carefree as I used to.
Although I enjoy drawing very much, but as I draw, 
I pour my heart out and put my imagination in my eyes 
and let my hand roams. 

It took hours, it took days.
Until I feel okay to stop.
But it's my therapy, it made me focus :)

October 27, 2010


Hello Again!

It's been a while. I made some stickers for last week's event :
Here, it's for sale :)

5 cikipikis - RM2
(not including postage, sorry)

Lomo camera's fan?
Here, I vectorized and made stickers too.
A set of 4 lomo cameras : RM2
(not including postage price too, sorry)



Status : Sold Out!


October 26, 2010




KLUE Magazine Oct 2010 
Can you recognize the drawing for Squeak Art Asia Project ? :D
Yeay, I'm happy :)



October 23, 2010


| selling only : |
| 20 doodles on envelopes | 
| 10 miniature paintings | 
| 5 doodle on doilies |
| 4 handmade notebooks | 
| 6 original illustrations | 
| and limited stickers | 

at LORONG SENI , Menara KBS, Putrajaya today 
starting at 12.30pm until 10pm 
along with Zamzammee doodles & Azah chan paper craft ( my sister )
& DIY batik.

So come & support us ! :D

October 20, 2010


Hello guys!

Help Maya captures those little Ciki & Piki, tiny cloud monsters!

First game done by me with helps from google, various tutorial, and logo lesson from zamzammee.

Did you capture all?
Post your marks in the comment box! :D

October 17, 2010



So yesterday I went to "HIMPUN"
and took some pictures :

* I was pretty excited ! *
The artwork was done in a week before I submitted it on Friday.
Like usual, my artwork can be connected both from left or right.



azah chan's fabric collage

zamzammee's digital illustration 
" Wau "


Other remarkable artworks :




So, do come :)

16 - 30 Oct 2010
Peti Seni, Balai Seni Lukis Negara

October 15, 2010



Catch us :
( azreenchan, zamzammee & azahchan - my sister! )

at Peti Seni, Balai Seni Lukis Negara
from 16 - 30 Oct 2010.

* Free entrance *


October 12, 2010


Miniature Painting


Title : I love us
Size : 5 x 5 x 1 cm
Material : Hand-drawn on Canvas
Price : RM10 including postage
Status : Sold out

| write your name | by request |

Email me :
to order.


October 06, 2010



Why is love intensified by absence?
quoted from one of my favorite book :
The Time Traveler's Wife
by Audrey Niffenegger


Pencilled-doodle in my favorite brown notebook.
Ps - I missed the word 'wife' in the box above :D



Have you ever read the book?
It was a beautifully written and I urge you to read it.


Please please please vote for me in :
* Doodle Anonymous*
(Hurry! Ends in 5 days)

* Love you lots *




Do you think I should share some of my simple coloring technique?
Is anyone interested to learn some?
I'm not a professional, but I know some basic :)


Has anyone received my special free gifts for random people?
I posted some, but I didn't receive any reply from them :o


October 01, 2010



 " Wanting is not the same as loving "
quoted from Mercy by Jodi Picoult


In my favorite brown notebook
