August 27, 2010



Cruise over the sea of cloud
by azreenchan




You are my little bee
by azreenchan


and thanks for all the time taken to visit me :)

August 26, 2010



Little Flower
by azreenchan


A little flower by any other name that could smell as sweet :)

August 25, 2010


I'm lost 
by azreenchan 


I doodled this when I was in class sleepily listening to lectures.
This is my personal hand-made sketch book,
 where I can rearrange or add/remove the pages all the time ; )
You don't need fancy sketch books to pour up your idea.

August 23, 2010


Books & Me
by azreenchan


I just love the smell of old books, small written words on printed papers,
 call me crazy but I think I'm just in love with the existent of books around me.


No leggings
by azreenchan 


No offense, but I dislike leggings or tight jeans.
It just seems disturbing.

August 22, 2010


Typical me
by azreenchan


Well yes, I'm typically me.
As comfortable as a person can be :D
Not that I look exactly like that.
Well, you get the idea. 


Why I like to doodle 
by azreenchan

So, why you like to doodle?


Due to some privacy problem, I stopped writing in my other blog.
So I would like to share my daily doodles in here instead. Enjoy :)

August 21, 2010


* Before *


Tshirt design for Bonekalife 
Coming this September!

* Finished! *


August 08, 2010



What I love about doodle is : it got no rules!

by azreenchan

August 07, 2010



* Happy Fasting in this glorious Ramadhan *
from azreenchan :)