November 30, 2009

Places : Interesting Places to Visit in Kuala Lumpur

Luckily last holiday, I've finally got the chance to go to KL's famous visiting places.

Places :
  • Muzium Orang Asli - Free admission
  • National Planetarium - RM3.00 (Watched "Dawn of the Space Age - About the history of space exploration in interesting 3D animation in Space Theater )
  • KL Butterfly Park - RM8.00 Adult + RM1.00 for bringing camera
  • Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia - RM6.00 for student price
  • Hibiscus Park - Free admission
  • Orchid Park - Free admission

There were thousands of butterflies fluttering in the Butterfly Park and thousands of beautiful flowers. So, these are some of the pictures that I've took on that very fine day :

I love to see how it is uniquely different.

More interesting places to visit in Kuala Lumpur area :

  • KLCC ( The famous Suria Klcc is there, lol )
  • KL Tower ( I walked to KL Tower from Low Yat at that time because it seemed near and I thought it would be fun to try it. But by the time I arrived the the lower part of the tower my feet was burning! To make it more interesting, I chose to walk up the hill. I felt like a new environment when I entered Bukit Nanas Forest in the middle of Kuala Lumpur. :) You should try it. RM15.00 Admission Fees.
  • Aquaria KLCC - RM28 with MyKad and RM38 without MyKad. A bit pricey but it's worth it.
  • Zoo Negara ( Twice, once when I was six years old and I couldn't remember a thing and once last couple of year as a one day volunteer. It was a great experience. I held an eagle, gave food to a freakin big owl that kept staring at me, prepared all the bird's food, played with baby sugarglider crawling on my hands, cycled to the penguin's site and wash them, fed them fishes, touched them. Saw all the newly arrived animals that still not ready to be shown to the public. And all the great great great new things. So, do volunteer here, rather than just a visit because it's a whole new experience. Admission Fee - RM25 adult with MyKad and free for volunteer! :D )
  • Muzium Telekom ( I'm not sure where it is located because I came across this small muzium when I was walking to the KL Tower from Low Yat :D )

November 04, 2009