
October 17, 2010


So yesterday I went to "HIMPUN"
and took some pictures :

* I was pretty excited ! *
The artwork was done in a week before I submitted it on Friday.
Like usual, my artwork can be connected both from left or right.



azah chan's fabric collage

zamzammee's digital illustration 
" Wau "


Other remarkable artworks :




So, do come :)

16 - 30 Oct 2010
Peti Seni, Balai Seni Lukis Negara

3 comments on "Pameran.Seni.Himpun.2"
  1. wow thats awesome. shame we dont have cool opportunities like those here :( but oh well. COOL ART . i saw Oren's there too..woowwwww :D :D wish i could visit but too far :(

  2. You should submit some of your cool artworks too!

    Yeah, that was Oren's artworks! I love it :D

  3. comelnya kakak awak :)
